Worship Together in the Pandemic
Trinity Church Baraboo is re-gathering for in-person worship as local virus activity permits. This re-gathering will require us to learn a new way of being together: learn more below.
Service Times
Since the weather has changed, we are currently holding two services inside our church santuary. One at 9:00 am and the other at 10:30 am. Families with young children are encouraged to attend our 10:30 service where their children can attend our new WildSide children’s program. Reservations are appreciated so that we can ensure each service has no more than 25-30 people.
Masks are required for all participants 3 years old and older. We have some on hand in case you forget!
Reserve your spot here for all services.
Health Screening
No one who is sick should attend worship. If you have had a cough, sore throat, nausea, diarrhea, recent loss of taste or smell, or other covid-19-like symptom within the last two weeks, or if you have been exposed to someone with suspected or confirmed covid-19 in the last two weeks, please do not attend worship.
As you enter the church, you will be asked by a service host whether you have any of these symptoms or if you have had a recent exposure.
Precautions During the Service
We are taking a number of precautions to protect our community from covid-19, and to serve our congregation’s healthcare workers valiantly fighting the pandemic. These include:
- Masks will be worn by everyone in attendance 3 years of age or older. Please bring your own mask from home; if you forget, one will be provided for you.
- Seating will occur only in pews marked with ribbon to maintain spacing.
- There will be no congregational singing. Beginning in December 2021, vocal ensembles may perform at some 9am services on Sunday morning and at the 530pm and 700pm services on Christmas Eve. All vocalists are masked and vaccinated against covid-19. In addition, there will be limited congregational singing at the 530pm and 700pm services on Christmas Eve.
- Services will be significantly shorter than normal (no more than 60 minutes).
- There will be no nursery care or coffee hour.
- Speakers, including the priest, will remove their masks when reading, preaching or praying. Anyone doing this is vaccinated against covid-19.
- In the church and parish hall, air filtration units using MERV-13, carbon and UV filtration systems run before, during and after the worship service.
Newcomers, Visitors and Guests
Newcomers, visitors and guests are warmly welcomed to attend services during this time. We know that the uncertainty and stress of the pandemic has created spiritual needs for lots of people in our community, and we are a place for you to worship, to rest, to explore, and to discover what God is saying and doing during this time.
If you know you when you plan to attend, your reservation is greatly appreciated. If you drop by without making a reservation, we will do our best to accommodate you.
Where are you located?
The corner of 6th and Oak Streets, near the square in historic downtown Baraboo.

What happens during the service?
When you enter the sanctuary you will be handed the day’s bulletin which details each step of the service. The portions in bold indicate parts for members of the congregation to read aloud, and there are notes that indicate when standing or kneeling may be appropriate. Remember, nobody will mind if you don’t know when to stand, sit, sing or speak out loud. Everything is an invitation as you are able. Nothing is required.
What should I wear?
We do not have a dress code. You’ll see a wide variety of clothing choices in our church.

What does “liturgy” mean?
Worship in the Episcopal Church is said to be “liturgical,” meaning that the congregation follows service forms and prays from texts that don’t change greatly from week to week during a season of the year. This sameness from week to week gives worship a rhythm that becomes comforting and familiar to the worshipers.
For the first-time visitor, liturgy may be exhilarating… or confusing. Services may involve standing, sitting, kneeling, sung or spoken responses, and other participatory elements that may provide a challenge for the first-time visitor. However, liturgical worship can be compared with a dance: once you learn the steps, you come to appreciate the rhythm, and it becomes satisfying to dance, again and again, as the music changes.
The service of Holy Eucharist always has the same two major components: The Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Table. Learn more about the liturgy here.
Where do my kids go?
Children are an important, valued, and welcomed part of our worshiping community. Please know that children of all ages are always welcome to worship with you in church.
There are coloring sheets that correlate to the week’s readings along with colors and other “busy bags” in the back of the sanctuary. Please help yourself or ask an usher for one. And please know that these resources are for the enjoyment and interest of the children in our midst, and are not meant to keep your child quiet. There is never an expectation that your children be silent or still in our service. We recognize that the sounds and movements of children in the church are a lovely indicator of God’s presence in a lively church.
Can I participate in communion?
All baptized Christians, regardless of age or denomination, are welcome to receive communion. Episcopalians invite all baptized people to receive, not because we take the Eucharist lightly, but because we take our baptism so seriously.
Visitors who are not baptized Christians are welcome to come forward during the Communion to receive a blessing. You can indicate this by crossing your arms across your chest as the priest approaches.
Can young children receive communion?
In the Episcopal Church, in keeping with the practices of the ancient church, the emphasis is placed upon Baptism. Once an individual is baptized they are viewed as full members of the Body of Christ with access to the sacraments. Learn more about young children in the church.
Do I have to give a donation?
No. The ushers will take up an offering during the service, but that is not a request for money. Our regular attendees see this act of giving back to God as worship. If you feel moved to donate, we thank you.