Clergy, Staff and Vestry

Father Dave Mowers
The Rev. Dave Mowers is Trinity Church’s Rector (pastor), and you can call him Dave or Father Dave. Fr Dave has served with us since 2017, and this is his second parish since being ordained in 2015. Prior to ordination, he worked in higher education for 8 years.
Since coming to Baraboo, he has been involved in Baraboo High School’s athletics programs as a gameday volunteer and a founding board member of Baraboo Area Homeless Shelter. Fr Dave sees his vocation as recognizing the work of God in our lives and in our world, and to help others to recognize that work.
Fr Dave is is married to Elizabeth Rusinak Mowers, an attorney, and together they have three children.
When not at church, Fr Dave can be found birding, at Crossfit class, or watching his beloved Forward Madison FC. Fr Dave can be reached by email at davidmowers [at] trinitybaraboo [dot] org.

Tom Caflisch
Children's Ministry Director

Brenda Schultz
Assistant to the Priest

Bev Wells
Organist and Choir Director
- Jeanette Zissell, Senior Warden
- Terry Baxter, Junior Warden
- Carol Bassett (term expires 2024)
- Chris Contino (2025)
- Logan Gallagher (2026)
- Pat Kirk (2026)
- Mike Marquardt (2024)
- Nathan Mustain (2025)
- Mary Brey, Clerk
- Brian Brey, Treasurer